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Meet the Board of Directors

A Team of Talented and Passionate Individuals


It is incredible how one small idea can grow into something truly special. Muddy High Heels Entertainment is rooted in the belief that we all have an inherent responsibility to make a meaningful difference in our community. With a variety of active projects on our schedule and a committed Board of Directors and Executive Director, we harness our skills and resources to successfully achieve our goals.

Since our founding in 2020, we have been working hard to create a program that will help bring healing and resilience to mothers of color who have experienced abuse. Want to take part? Contribute to our work by donating or volunteering today.

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At Muddy High Heels Entertainment, we take pride in being problem solvers who are not afraid to take risks. We believe that with boldness, creativity and heart, there is nothing we can’t accomplish. But above all, our strength lies in teamwork. Each and every one of us has the capability to contribute no matter their experience or background. With this strength behind us, just imagine what we can achieve together.

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